for the girl with the broken smile

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Is ChRiStMaS eVe...jUz FiNiSh DoInG mY bLOg...tHiNkInG dAt It StILL cAn B iMpRoVeD... BuT iT iS qUiTe LaTe lIao sO StoP 1sT. dIs Yr iS tHe 1St TiMe We dEcOrAte OuR rOoM tO Haf ThE x'Mas fEelInG, iT iS qUitE nIcE.AltHoUgH It iS jUz a LittLe dEcOrATiOn, bUt iT gIve mE tHe feeLing Of inVoLvEmeNt foR tHe x'MaS. HoPe DAt tHe FoLLoWing yr cAn hAf DaT FeeliNg Too.
My WisHEs fOr DiS x'MaS:
1) GeT a PaiR NiKe WoMen ShAke IT ($87++)
2) gEt a NeW BaG FoR sCh (nOt yEt nOtiCe aNy nIce oNe)
3) hOpE mY fAmiLy cAn hAf MorE commUniCatIon (so LeSS misUnDeRsTanDiNg)
4) HoPe OuR fInancing PrObLeM caN soLVe As Fast aS pOsSiBlE
4) hOpE fAtheR gET wELL SoOn FoR hIs "iLLneSSeS"
5) hOpe ELLA gEt Well Soon n RetUrN To S.H.E
6) wIsH tO bE a CeleBrity (mY LoNg LifE wiSh uNtil iT fuLfil)
7) WorLd PeAce (nO More wAr, nO mOrE uNknOwn iLLneSSes)
8) cAn sEE rEaL sAnta
9) gEt aLL mY wiSheS cUm tRuE


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