for the girl with the broken smile

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

yOz.. mi hui lai le...

together 2 mths le.. see like only 2 mth only rite.. but i feel like we together quite long liao.. dunno y leh.. hehe.. this 2nd mth again cannot celebrate on the actual date.. but nvm.. at least sat we haf pu hui qu le.. hehe... i really enjoy dat day.. although we walked quite alot(i got complain abit lah..hee).. haha.. but i din regret walking with u.. i noe u tried very hard to recall how to go to the spot where can see the best view of firework... i saw le.. really nice.. den u ask me gao xin ma? den i reply u n say.. hai man gao xin de.. i noe u got abit sad cos i say "man" n ans with abit mono tone.. actually i want to say i really happy n really like it de.. but i just shuo bu chu kou.. i think i really 'lan' in saying my feelings in words.. so everytime i haf to wait to the end of the day den send msg to u n tell u my feelings(i really "lan" rite?)... actually sometime i got alot alot of things n feelings to tell u.. but i just dunno how to say them out.. i really hope someday i can tell u all my feelings from my own mouth... i just dun wan keep all to myself n one day i may regret dat i din say all my feelings out.....

[p.s finally my blog haf song again.. from FIR... wo men de ai.. i wanna dedicate the song to all my frenz(although it is a sad song but nan de got song.. den jiu jiang jiu dian.. hee..)]

[to stubborn de rosalind: i think u really sick liao.. so i bai tuo ni go see doc lah.. dont so stubborn leh.. it maybe a small flu but it may lead to a more worse 1 leh.. so old liao still dunno how to take care of urself.. haiz...hee.. u take care hor..]

[to super grad, jonathan: going to perth(for 4 years).... erm... ur 1st impression to me.. hmm.. actually not dat gd leh.. cos u look quite fierce when dun talk.. but get to noe u abit liao.. cai fa xian.. when come to serious thing u will be very serious but when get to play u can be very siao n funny.. so.. overall u r still a nice n great senior..haha.. hope u can haf fun there n can study hard.. take care..]

[to heyi, my partner in social com: 1st time working with u.. but think dat u r really not bad.. today 1st discussion u perform well.. keep it up.. jia you.. hope we can work well during this whole sessional period.. :)]


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