for the girl with the broken smile

Friday, June 16, 2006

at 1st.. i am quite looking forwards to the camp.. cos it can give me a break of my daily routine(slp-work-online)..
being there.. realised the feel is not there anymore..
the reason i go for the camp is also wanna help the cook..
but no help is needed..
so wat haf i done there?
lied here n there.. wanna get into slp..
haa.. funny rite.. go camp slp..
den wat can i do? most of them i dunno.. den got nothing to do..

i am dat anti-social..

though all the time i seem slping.. i din really slp.. i cant slp.. the only time i haf fall aslp is before the interview.. jus awhile..
the rest of the time really cant slp.. the moment i closed my eyes.. my mind start working.. it dun wanna let me slp..
the toughest time for me is the time before i really fall aslp..
every night is also like dat.. very xin ku.. sometime really wish i could bang myself to slp..

i am dat you yu.. zhi bi..

alot of thingy i haf keep to myself.. i need someone to tok to.. i need release..

my eyes always betrayed me.. the more i avoid the more i feel xin xu..
y cant i look straight into the eyes? i am afraid my eyes will tell the truth..
eek.. when do i wanna avoid till?

i found out another prob le.. think my gastric got prob le.. sometime feel guai guai de.. dun feel like eating though i haf not eat much before dat.. last night it happen again.. feeling got abit like FO camp dat time.. but the gd thing is i dun feel like vomiting.. jus no wei kou.. so last night i din eat anything.. wat's happen to my body system? getting weaker n weaker.. is a sign of getting old?

think after last night.. i wanna consider whether wanna go for the other camp in future.. i dun wish to go there slp again.. i am jus a pig.. go where slp where.. i noe is also got abit too much.. cos everyone is busy doing their thingy n feel tiring.. i go there do nothing jiu slp.. is like my hse no bed izzit? i really got so tired meh? i jus wanna apologise for last night sleepy-ness.. i am jus a extra there taking out space for slping..
but btw i really need alot of slp.. cos i got not enough slp everyday..

i am suffering from "wu fa hao hao lu mian zheng"


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