for the girl with the broken smile

Friday, January 16, 2004

So Fast Open sch already 2 weeks liao.............chinese new year cuming soon liao........

long time din write liao.... coz dunno write abt this 2 weeks in sch ba.....the class haf not much change, the most change is the lecturers nia(cos take different modules liao mah). This time most of the lecturers are quite friendly & not so fierce. Got one haf the motherly look dat's our ptn Mrs Niagm(dunno spell rite or wrong), she... quite funny not becos her look but her pattern. she very kan jiong one teach lesson very fast but she not bad lah. this semester is more tiring cos most of days r end at 5 the worse is thur end at 0530 and start at 9a.m. and the break only haf one hour. But hor first week go sch only, got two fren cum n tell me dat they haf break wif their bf. i was abit shock cos their relationship r quite long lor(almost got 3 yr lor) how can a relationship last for so many yrs can break so easily???? But now i am glad both of them haf someone they like, like dat i will not haf two more "challengers" hehe... n one of them now so fast haf another relationship(i think u haf make a right decision n u will not be regret cos at least u haf been wif him ) hope dis time she get the right guy n hope u all can stay 4ever... n another one i hope u can get ur guy as soon as possible i think u haf a great chance if u don't give up n i believe ri jiu sheng qing so u two can be together one lah confirm one just a matter of time only.

ya forget to say wed i saw a handsome guy in the mrt, this is the first time i saw good-looking guy since i start sch last last yr. ppl say sp got many yan dao but i din see one leh(got abit disappointed haha....:D) but finally let me see one liao. he... i think he is not bad looking(i dunno how to describe haf to see him then noe one) i dunno which station he abroad one i saw when the mrt reach city hall. when i want sit on the seat(the 2 seater one) near the joint of the mrt, then i saw the guy standing at the joint there(at 1st glance he is already not bad looking liao lor ). Then my direct opposite seat is left empty but at 1st i think he will not haf the chance to sit there liao cos got another guy standing reading the newspaper. However, the seat left there empty for 2 to 3 station no one sit on it. then suddenly the guy walk towards to the seat n sit down. now i can see him more clearly liao, his eyes r quite attractive(for me lah) but his eyes r close most of the time cos he is sleeping(got abit wasted) n u noe what? he is from sp cos i alight the mrt with him. i din noe sp got dis type of guy but wasted dunno wat sch he study in. Dat's all abt this guy.
Hope got faith can see him more often......

Ya one more thing, i haf join Siqi's club wat current affair & debate club. y i join this club cos siqi ask xiaohui, then xiao hui ask me lor but dis is not the main reason lah. i find myself haf nothing much to do during free time like holiday lor so i join this club to keep me occupy lor n to expand my social circle lor i find that i haf limited frens lor not sch one then sec sch or not vball one only so i join to know more frens n learn more things like organise n plan events & activities. Cos this kind work i can say din do b4 one mah so join club to learn lor. but now still dunno which com i in leh hope can be wif siqi xiaohui but i think most probably the head won't let one but nvm lah if cannot be wif them i dun mind in other com but i hope dun let me in the debate com cos i dun like. (i cross my finger 1st n pray hard)
hope i can haf fun in this club

ok ok liao i haf write so many liao i think is enough liao so i going to stop soon
just lastly hope everything will be very smooth

JuSt ReMeMbEr iN tHe WiNtEr
FaR bEnEaTh ThE bItTeR sNoWs
LiEs ThE sEeD tHaT wItH tHe SuN's LoVe
In ThE sPrInG bEcOmEs ThE rOsE


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