for the girl with the broken smile

Friday, April 21, 2006


1st i wanna wish a happy birthday to my dad.. his bday is on 19 april.. ya.. is jus over.. hee.. din haf much celebration jus bought a cake for him.. oh ya.. for my family rite.. we din really celebrate de.. so got a cake is already gd enough le.. hee.. took some pic.. if wanna see, can go my msn space and take a look.. but the pic got abit blur.. see from the d cam or from the hardcopy.. i find myself quite nice in the pic.. hee..

ok.. now wish myself an advance happy birthday.. hee.. tml is my 21st birthday.. got abit excited.. cos put some effort in this birthday celebration.. from my previous blog can see dat i am quite stress in this birthday preparation.. cos i really hope everything can go well.. hope tml will be fun.. though i din plan any games or wat.. fun in a way dat nothing crop up.. hee..

any wishes for myself..
alot of u ask me wat i wan for my bday.. i really dunno.. cos wat i wan.. i already haf.. like hp, mp3.. got some lah.. but think u all cant affort n i dun wish anyone to buy me those.. cos i wanna get it myself.. think in one of the past entry.. i haf mention it.. i wanna a black car(real one).. den now i wan a laptop cos my this laptop think going to die soon..
things dat i wan.. usually i will like to get it myself de.. so frens.. pls dun get me this.. haha..

i haf wishes still.. but this is not those physical items.. so think no one can get for me also ba.. haha.. i wish everyone can be happy always.. i wish i can de dao wo de xin fu.. i wish all my wishes can come true.. hee.. this 3 wishes think r standard wishes for me every years.. haha.. unless i get my xin fu le.. if not.. i wont change ba..
erm.. i jus rmb something.. last yr's wish din come true.. haha.. i wont say wat wish..
so i can say wish is jus a wish.. it wont really come true de.. haha.. jus wish for an wei or for show ba..

hey siqi n xiaohui.. thank for u all de plan.. but think ur 1st plan fail.. sry i din corporate.. cos think i still dun haf the confidence.. n the most impt is i dunno wat the outfit like.. i really not into those sexy one ba.. it really shock me.. haha.. think only siqi noe dat.. haha.. but still thank for the plan.. so now wat i can say is proceed to ur 2nd plan ba.. hee..

those who wanna buy me something.. erm.. try not to get thing dat i dun like ba.. wat is thing dat i dun like lei? think u all should noe ba.. if not.. jiu kao ur feeling lor.. hee.. but think i now say all this.. got abit late.. hee..


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