for the girl with the broken smile

Monday, October 08, 2007

condition is stable

continue from my previous entry..
Friday nite we heard that grandpa is hospitalised. As we dunno the details of the incident, we decided not to go back malaysia till we get more news from there.
Saturday, initally planned to go sentosa with my friends but in the end decided not to go. Becos i going back to malaysia to visit my grandpa. the very morning my mum called my aunt to asked for the details of what had happened. sudden flow of blood from my grandpa's anal and it's alot. as decribed, my grandpa seemed like "closing" his eyes soon(heard that when elderly closed their eyes, they will never open it again). the incident really scared everyone, therefore, they keep waking him up, dont let him close his eyes. then my uncles drove him to malacca hospital which is more reliable than government hospital in their area(where the people there will ask the patient, especially towards chinese to wait regardless it is emergency). After hearing what my aunt had said, my parents decided to go malacca to visit my grandpa.
during the journey, my aunt called again. this time she called to seek permission for grandpa's operation. my mum was so worried abt it n my cousin who came along with us cried. so it like sound very serious. den my dad felt dat no need seek our permission.. if there was a need, save life is more impt. uncles n grandma at there can decide it. so ya.. after the call, everyone in the car were so tense. that period of time we were so afraid of received calls, cos we scared more bad news coming in.
finally reached the hospital, all the aunties from KL already reached. we went up the ward n visit grandpa. he looked older now, weaker. quite sad seeing him like this. My cousin cried again when he saw him. my mum n sis cried too. the doc helped him to insert more blood to replace the lost of blood. n on the dat day, he inserted 3 bags of blood. that's alot. mean he had lost alot too. n grandpa had injection to stop the bleeding. and the doc said he had to observe for 2 days to see whether is there a need for operation.
So wat really happened to him? as what the doc said, he got gastric ulcer. n is the ucler bleed in his gastric.
ytd nite, got gd news from my cousin. my grandpa is fine now, n the bleeding is stopped which mean he might not need to do operation n can discharge on tue. we finally can feel relieve after all.
*cross-finger, grandpa must get well soon.

Friday, October 05, 2007

mix feelings

jus now got a bad news dat my grandpa(mother's side) is jus hospitalised in few hours ago.. cos he shit out blood.. sound gross.. but it kinda serious for him.. cos he is very old le.. 70+ le.. heard dat he already feeling unwell for few days le.. haiz.. start to worry for him.. den my mum, sis and cousin suddenly become very down also.. den even plan to go back malaysia to see him.. sound very serious rite?

My grandpa is very caring, kind and love his grand children alot.. n we respect him alot too.. so when we heard that he is hospitalised, we really feel very sad and worry. rmb when we were young, he likes to carry us around, buy us sweets.. so whenever he came to singapore to visit us.. we were very happy.. but after one of my uncle's death.. my grandpa would seldom leave his hse.. n he seems weaker when time goes by.. everytime we went back malaysia to visit him.. he seems older.. slimmer.. is like no one really take care of him.. so sad.. we had try to ask him to come here to visit us.. he will always has alot of excuses to stay at hm.. n he even din attend my sis's wedding.. i hardly see him smile n laugh anymore.. he seems not very happy(doesnt mean angry.. is like think alot) whenever i see him.. haiz.. when can i see him smile again?

i feel sad for him.. cos his young daughter - in law restrict him to only eat dried beancurd.. she is so cruel.. hello he is an old man.. n is ur father-in law.. you treat him like this? do u noe wat is xiao shun? i doubt u noe how to write it.. getting ur hse n car i think he got help u all alot ba.. i really pity my grandpa.. his young daughter-in law is ill-treat him.. i doubt he got a proper meal which is gd for his health from her ba.. u evil.. if anything happen to him.. i can gurantee partly is her fault.. n i will hate u for sure..

my sis n my grandpa

i want my grandpa to be healthy again..

p.s: my aunt jus called.. she said my grandpa is hospitalised now in malacca.. but he is fine for now.. ya.. so glad to hear dat.. hope he can recover soon..